By |Published On: April 28th, 2021|Categories: Announcements|Comments Off on Conectys becomes official UiPath partner|237 words|1.2 min read|

Today’s leading enterprises choose an ‘automation first’ strategy to become faster, more adaptable, and create capacity for innovation within their organizations.

That’s why we’re pleased to announce our partnership with UiPath, which aligns Conectys with a 2020 Gartner “Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation” Leader to deliver industry-leading robotic process automation (RPA) technology.

UiPath has already helped to automate repetitive, mind-numbing tasks for 50% of the Fortune 500 and 80% of the Fortune 10, often leading to efficiency increases north of 75%.

RPA has the power to transform businesses, streamline processes and accelerate digital transformation. Through our partnership with UiPath, we can implement RPA solutions on a platform that’s open and extensible, and where 80% of implementations finish in six months or fewer.

Conectys can continue to deliver hyper-automation solutions using an evolving set of AI technologies to automate more knowledge work and engage everyone in the organization to automate alongside robots, all managed and orchestrated on a scalable and secure platform.

“With a strong partner such as UipPath on our side, Conectys proves once more that we are looking at building the future with a Digital-first mentality,” said Conectys’ Head of Digital, Andrei Ghiorghiu.

To learn more about how we can help accelerate your digital transformation and position your business as an #AutomationFirst leader, our digital experience services are outlined here. You can also see how we involve digital transformation approaches in customer experience and content moderation, as well.

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