Welcome to our company blog, dedicated to exploring the world of Customer Experience and Trust and Safety issues and insights.

The Banking Industry and Customer Experience in the Age of Fintechs
Whatever part of the banking industry you fall into, there’s no denying the relevance of - and ongoing conversation around - fintech startups. Definitions of fintech can vary, but what all fintech share is that they’re “businesses that aim at providing financial services by making use of software and modern technology.” These rapidly emerging companies compete directly with banks and credit unions, and in 2017 received $13.7 billion in [...]
How the UX of ConectysOS Improves our CX
You don’t have to go far to hear the acronyms UX (user experience) and CX (customer experience) tossed around in boardrooms and strategy meetings - and for good reason. Both are incredibly important to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention…all of which lead to sales, growth, and success. Competition is fierce, and your customer experience can be the differentiator that sets you apart and bolsters your reputation. We understand what [...]
How our ‘Work from Anywhere’ Solutions Give You a Leg Up in your Business
We often talk about our ‘work from anywhere’ solutions as a point of pride. This is because our workforce not only fills physical seats at brick-and-mortar locations, but we also have team members around the world who serve our customers from other places. We designed this model intentionally, so our customers would enjoy the many associated upsides. Read on to learn about what those are, and how they can [...]
The Changing Face of a BPO Partner
If you asked someone years ago for an outsourcing definition, you’d probably hear something about cost reduction, capacity to meet staffing demands, and/or the implementation of necessary processes. The takeaway was that offloading some of your business’ needs to a third party could save you money and streamline your operations. And while those aspects haven’t gone away, the role of an outsourcing provider has definitely evolved. Instead of dividing [...]
How the Internet Changed Customer Service
Three Major Changes and Two that will Shape the Future Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, wrote a proposal for a distributed information system, and, on March 12th, 1989, he submitted it to CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research). That information system came to be known as the World Wide Web. On July 28th, we celebrated 10,000 days of the Internet and how it’s changed our lives. It's also [...]
Our Employees are Happier, so your Customers will be too
How to make employees happy in the workplace? One of the biggest concerns we hear from companies that are considering outsourcing their customer service to us is how it will impact their customers. They’re worried that their customers will detect a difference between talking to their own reps versus the ones we provide and as a result, customer satisfaction and loyalty will be impacted. But, we’ve found the opposite [...]
Payment Solution Providers: Are you Preventing CNP Credit Card Fraud?
Given how fast-paced and digitized everything has become, it’s no wonder that paying quickly, easily and securely through phones and computers is now the norm. So, for companies to compete in the marketplace, they also need to offer these types of payment options to their customers. When done well, consumers are happy, companies enjoy more sales as a result of less payment friction… it’s a win-win all-around, right? Not [...]
Three Tips to Make your Call Center Produce Revenue, not Deplete It
For many industries, like hospitality and telecom, call centers are a given. There’s no way to meet customer demand without adequate agent staffing (and ample training for those agents). But the unfortunate reality is that many of these businesses also see their call centers as a drain on their revenue. At Conectys, we regularly partner with companies of all sizes around the world who want to outsource their customer service [...]
Data Overload: Move on from Analysis Paralysis and Take Action
Many company leaders aren’t sure how to use data but know they need to. In a survey by Tech Pro Research, the majority of respondents said their companies are collecting data, but 61% said they aren’t using a big data solution. In other words, data is often being gathered, but oftentimes through disparate sources that don’t exchange information or make meaningful use of it. This is a big problem. In [...]
The CEO’s Guide to a Rewarding BPO Relationship
So you’re the CEO of a rapidly growing company, and it’s pretty much your baby. You’ve likely invested your time, effort, ideas, money, blood, sweat and tears into the business – and it’s paying off. But as your growth has accelerated, it’s only natural you’ve come to the same crossroads that countless other entrepreneurs have: can we grow at this rate without help, or do [...]