Content Moderation: How to achieve scale and affordability

Outsourced Content Moderation Insights

The content moderation landscape is confusing right now. There are a lot of questions about regulatory and legal environments, and the ecosystem is different in different countries. It felt for a long time like content moderation was primarily a focus of social media and platform companies, but now increasingly almost every brand is realizing they need some form of moderation that mixes user security with the speed of posting. And not everyone knows exactly how to achieve it.

That’s where this paper comes in. We will walk through how to scale content moderation efforts, including hiring moderators in multiple languages quickly, and how to keep content moderation affordable, which does not mean getting more and more tech. Instead, it means balancing the tech with a human agent touch.

When you finish this paper, you should be able to launch into a basic to intermediate content moderation plan – and of course, we’re happy to work with you to achieve that too.